Achieving intermediate IT management

What constitutes intermediate IT management (digital strategy and governance) and what to do to get there.
Graphic icon of hand holding a cog

Reaching intermediate-level IT management means strategically integrating your digital technology with your overall business objectives. It involves structured planning, robust governance, and effective communication to harness the full benefits of digital technology. This guide outlines the core areas to focus on for not-for-profits aiming to achieve intermediate IT management.

Key Areas of Intermediate IT Management

Digital strategy and planning

  • Ensure your digital strategy is closely aligned with your organisation's business plan. This strategy should outline digital technology projects, expected benefits, and the required budget for at least the next 12 months.
  • Gain approval for your digital strategy from the executive team, confirming that the strategy supports the broader organisational goals.

Digital technology cost and value

  • Understand how your digital technology spending compares to other not-for-profits. Identify areas where you can maximise value, possibly through better resource allocation or by investing in more effective solutions.

Executive engagement

  • Treat digital technologies as strategic investments rather than mere expenditures.
  • Ensure that digital strategies have a strong voice at the executive and board levels, influencing decisions to balance functionality with cost-effectiveness.

Staff engagement

  • Designate key staff across the organisation as ‘champions’ of digital technology. These champions will play a crucial role in helping others leverage technology effectively.
  • Conduct staff digital technology satisfaction surveys at least once every two years to gauge effectiveness and identify improvement areas. 

Risk management and disaster recovery

  • Clearly define Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) and Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) for key information services to manage potential disruptions effectively.
  • Have a disaster recovery plan that incorporates these objectives and test it at least once every two years to ensure its effective and current.

Achieving intermediate IT management is a significant step for not-for-profits that want to effectively use technology to advance their mission. It requires careful planning, active engagement from all levels of the organisation, and regular reviews to keep pace with technological advancements. By focusing on these areas, your organisation can ensure that its IT strategy not only supports but also enhances its operational and strategic objectives.

Engage With Us

If your organisation has reached or is progressing towards intermediate IT management, we encourage you to share your insights and experiences. Your knowledge could greatly benefit other not-for-profits striving to enhance their IT governance and digital strategy. Please reach out via our Contact Us link to contribute to this collaborative effort.

This guide is tailored to help not-for-profits in Australia and New Zealand establish robust IT management practices that align with their unique operational environments and challenges.

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