Achieving intermediate tech foundations

We recommend every not-for-profit aim for intermediate capability across the eight tech foundations categories.
Achieving intermediate level tech foundations

Reaching an intermediate level in tech foundations equips not-for-profits with the necessary tools to ensure their staff can work productively and collaboratively in a secure and efficient environment. This level is attainable for every NFP with the right planning and resources.


PCs and other personal devices (phones, tablets, etc)

  • Reliable Hardware: Ensure all staff have access to reliable PCs, tablets, and smartphones that support their roles effectively.
  • Lifecycle Management: Maintain an up-to-date inventory of all hardware and plan for replacements on a regular 3–5-year cycle to keep technology current and functional.
  • Technical Support: Establish an IT support team, with an integrated ticketing system and a basic service level agreement (SLA) for resolving technical issues promptly and effectively.
  • Skills Development: Provide ongoing training to ensure all staff are proficient in using their devices and applications critical to their roles.

Emails and calendars

  • Unified Communication Tools: Exclusively use a cloud-based platform like Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace across the organization to enhance email and calendar integration.
  • Resource Scheduling: Utilize embedded scheduling tools in MS 365 or Google Workspace that allow easy viewing and booking of shared resources such as meeting rooms and vehicles to avoid conflicts.

File sharing

  • Cloud Storage Solutions: Adopt cloud services such as Microsoft 365, Google Drive, or Dropbox for Business to facilitate secure and efficient file storage and sharing.
  • Accessibility and Synchronization: Ensure that files are accessible remotely and can be synchronized for offline access, enhancing flexibility and productivity for staff working from any location.
  • Robust Intranet: Develop an intranet that serves as a central hub for sharing important organizational information such as news, policies, and procedures. Ensure the intranet is intuitive and easy to navigate, with capabilities to search content efficiently.

Network infrastructure

  • Reliable Connectivity: Ensure that all locations are equipped with fast and reliable Wi-Fi and internet access to support all operational needs, including support for remote workers where necessary. 
  • Security Measures: Implement robust security measures, including firewalls, anti-virus software, and intrusion detection systems to protect your network.


  • Server Reliability: If using physical servers, ensure they are well-maintained, meet current needs, and are supported by reliable technical support.
  • Cloud Migration: Consider migrating to cloud servers where feasible to enhance scalability and reduce maintenance overhead.
  • Integrated Authentication: Utilize single sign-on (SSO) systems to simplify access to various systems while maintaining high security standards.


  • Modern Communication Tools: Use cloud-based video conferencing solutions like Zoom, Google Chat or Microsoft Teams to allow flexible communication from any location.
  • Accessible Resources: Equip key spaces with user-friendly video conferencing equipment to facilitate effective virtual meetings.


Achieving intermediate tech foundations involves not only equipping your NFP with the right tools but also ensuring that these tools are utilized effectively through proper training and support. This level of preparedness will significantly enhance your organization’s productivity and ability to serve your community more effectively.

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