Advanced AWS resources to help you on your journey

You have done your investigation and have decided that AWS is for you.

Here is some additional information that will help the IT professionals within your organisation or your selected partner.

Basic concepts of AWS and IaaS

Global cloud-based products offered by AWS include compute resources, storage, database resources, analytics, networking, mobile resources, developer tools, management tools, internet of things (IoT), cyber security and on-demand enterprise applications, with pay-as-you-go pricing.


There are three types of cloud data storage: object storage, file storage and block storage. Applications developed in the cloud often take advantage of object storage's vast scalability and metadata characteristics. This means you can:

  • host your personal or simple marketing website on AWS
  • store and retrieve a file
  • create and connect to a MySQL database
  • backup and prepare for disaster recovery.


Compute resources are essentially time-slice tickets given to those clients that need it so that they can have access to the allocated CPUs in the system. This product allows you to:

  • migrate and manage WordPress websites
  • launch a Windows or Linux virtual machine
  • build a serverless web app.


AWS Content Analysis allows customers to obtain a broader understanding of their media content through machine learning so that they can:

  • deploy a data warehouse
  • analyse big data with Hadoop
  • create QuickSight analytics dashboard.

These services are the first that many organisations start to use in the AWS platform. Other popular services among the more than 200 services offered by AWS are:

  • application integration services
  • network load balancing
  • traffic routing
  • Blockchain
  • Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL)
  • data warehousing to deployment tools
  • directories to content delivery. 

AWS Cloud Influency program

The AWS Cloud Influency program is an invitation-only cloud training program that quickly builds foundational AWS Cloud knowledge across your organisation. Training is delivered free by AWS through a combination of digital content, virtually delivered courses and group interactive sessions. You cover the cost of the AWS Certification exam fees. 

The program is designed for everyone from your boldest, most forward-looking strategic thinkers through to business professionals and technical staff. Broad fundamentals training, from executives to IT staff, helps build excitement around the cloud and gets your teams speaking a common language.

Explore these additional resources to learn more

For further information regarding AWS Certification contact:

Jo Gusman
Business Development Manager Training & Certification team
Email: [email protected]

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