DIY ethical artificial intelligence (AI) policy

Download a high quality ethical AI policy template that you can adapt to your organisation's needs.

We recommend every not-for-profit develops an ethical artificial intelligence (AI) policy so that staff understand their responsibilities of using AI technologies and how to mitigate risks whilst encouraging innovation. . 

PwC Australia has developed an Ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI) Template, which we think is fabulous, as it is designed specifically for not-for-profits to download and adapt for their organisation.

The main benefits to having this policy are:

  • Builds staff awareness of their obligations in relation to selection, use and safety when utilising AI within the business.
  • Helps give each employee a clear understanding as to what your organisation expects and will allow.

To help implement the policy, PwC is ran an online webinar in November 2024, To access the recording: Crafting your AI policy: How to tailor it to your organisational needs 

Applying what you have learned

Below are some files and external links that can help you take action on what you read.

Assets you can download
Ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI ) Policy

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