DIY end user security policy

Download a high quality end user security policy template that you can adapt to your organisation's needs.
End user security policy template

We recommend every not-for-profit develops an end user security policy so staff understand their responsibilities and how to keep information safe. 

PwC Australia has developed an End User Security Policy Template, which we think is fabulous, as it is designed specifically for not-for-profits to download adapt for their organisation.

The main benefits to having this policy are:

  • It ensures all end users are aware of obligations in relation to selection, use and safety when utilising information technology within the business
  • It is a proven way to help your managers and supervisors make consistent and reliable decisions
  • It helps give each end user a clear understanding as to what you expect and allow.

It takes a little effort to complete, but brings definite long-term benefits, reduces disputes, and adds to the professionalism of your business.

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