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Cyber Security

Keeping your information safe with thorough information security & device management systems and processes

Basic Capability

We are in the early stages of developing our capability and have improvements to make. We likely:

  • Aim to keep data secure but have limited formal controls covering people, processes and technology
  • Have firewall and antivirus protection, but it isn’t centrally managed or monitored
  • Have few IT security policies.

See how you have improved

Intermediate Capability

We have the fundamentals under control to protect our information, but further improvements are possible. We likely:

  • Have implemented most of the ACSC’s Essential 8 security protections
  • Educate staff about where information should be stored based on what type of data it is – sensitive, confidential, public etc
  • Securely encrypt and password-protect all devices that store sensitive information (such as client data)
  • Centrally manage and monitor network firewalls
  • Have approved security policies that staff understand and follow.

See how you have improved

Advanced Capability

Our security protections work very well, deliver value and support us to achieve our mission. We likely:

  • Have been independently assessed and confirmed as compliant against an information security standard
  • Have a system that collects and analyses security information from all devices and accounts, identifying risks and appropriate actions
  • Regularly reinforce security education so that staff consider security a key responsibility
  • Undertake compliance testing to identify issues assess their risk and prioritise appropriate remedial action.

See how you have improved

How ready are you?

Spend a few minutes to know how ready your organisation is to move to the cloud. This will help you understand what materials below will be on most valuable as you chart your own path to digital transformation.

Need More Expertise?

We have experts who can give you more tailored advice. Book now for a 30-min session to get key questions answered.

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Lessons learnt in cyber security

How one organisation became a victim of a sophisticated cyber-crime. Hear their lessons learnt to make sure you are not next.

Learn more

Man at laptop
Cyber Security Essentials
Cyber security can seem daunting, but if you consider it risk management rather than risk elimination, here are some effective first steps to reduce your exposure to cyber attacks.
Computer with VPN onscreen
The current cyber security threat landscape
A look at recent trends in the cyber security landscape reveals that the pandemic has exacerbated threats to organisations – and not-for-profits are not immune either. The cyber security landscape is constantly evolving, but some things never change.
Privacy is the foundation of trust
Privacy as the foundation of trust
Not-for-profits provide services to and assist those who are sometimes the most vulnerable members of our society and as such, have a profound duty of care to protect their information.
Cyber security overview
Cyber security: What it is and why it matters
The basics on why it's so important to protect your organisation's information.
Why cyber security is so important
Why cyber security is so important
An overview of why cyber security protection is a must for every organisation.
Educating staff about cyber security
Educating staff about cyber security
Staff education is an essential part of cyber security. Take a look at our list of key staff education topics, aspects of cyber security policy and email protocols for your organisation.
woman logs into VPN on laptop
Cyber security training
Investigate our training offerings to help improve the security of IT within your organisation.
Information Security policy for not-for-profits
Information Security policy for not-for-profits
To define and formally document your cyber security practices and processes, you can download and customise this template for your not-for-profit.
Achieving intermediate level cyber security
Achieving intermediate cyber security
How to plan for and implement a road map to intermediate-level protection from cyber attacks.
Achieving best-practice cyber security governance
Best-practice cyber security governance
An overview of how to incorporate cyber security policies and governance into your organisational processes.
Privacy guidelines for not-for-profit organisations
Privacy guidelines for not-for-profits
Download these privacy guidelines for detailed advice on how to protect your organisation's data.
End user security policy template
DIY end user security policy
Download a high quality end user security policy template that you can adapt to your organisation's needs.
Achieving advanced level cyber security
Achieving advanced cyber security
How to plan for and implement a road map to advanced-level protection from cyber attacks.
Useful cyber security resources
More cyber security resources
For more information on cyber security, take a look through the links below.