Data webinars for an intermediate capability level

Webinars for an intermediate level of data maturity.
intermediate data capability

Data is a powerful tool to help not-for-profits accelerate impact. It enables us to have visibility over our work and insights, and provides opportunity to make data-driven strategic plans and outcomes, and can support predictive analytics like AI.  

To take advantage of this, it is critical that organisations have built a strong framework and foundation in order to utilise data. This includes having an understanding of how data is being captured, stored and managed, and an organisational-wide plan for embarking on a data maturity journey.  

Over the next few months, we’ll be updating this page with webinars to support your data capability level to help you and your organisation improve your data skills and make a bigger difference for the causes you support.  

Getting started with Microsoft Power BI for data analysis and visualisation 

getting started with Microsoft Power BI for data analysis and visualisation

This webinar offers an introductory overview of Microsoft Power BI for data analysis and visualisation. Participants will learn to enhance their data analysis capabilities and unlock valuable insights from their data. This webinar is designed for IT managers and NGO staff currently using Microsoft services and looking to get started with Microsoft Power BI. 

This course is designed to teach participants: 

  • Microsoft Power BI basic concepts 

  • Best practices for data analysis and visualisation using Power BI 

  • Data visualisation techniques 

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AI for social impact 

AI for social impact

Join us as Ryan from Tech for Impact dives into the transformative potential of artificial intelligence for NFPs and how to maximise impact. We'll cover how AI can be used to tackle pressing social issues, can help enhance NFP support for communities, how it can boost team productivity and improve organisational operations. 

This course is designed to teach participants:

  • How AI can be used to tackle pressing social issues
  • AI technologies that enhance NFP support for their communities
  • AI and technology solutions that boost NFP productivity
  • How non-profits can leverage technology to improve operations

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