Achieving advanced tech foundations for not-for-profits

If technology is a key enabler for your organisation, striving for advanced tech foundations capability can make a lot of sense and help your staff to work more efficiently wherever they are.
Achieving advanced level tech foundations

Achieving advanced tech foundations is crucial for not-for-profits that rely heavily on technology to enable efficient and effective service delivery. This guide outlines strategic improvements across key tech categories to help organisations reach a high level of technological maturity and readiness.

PCs and other personal devices (mobile phones, tablets, etc)

  • Device Satisfaction and Effectiveness: Ensure that all staff and managers are highly satisfied with their devices, which should be configured to support effective work and be adaptable to future technological advancements.
  • Lifecycle Management: Implement a rigorous lifecycle management process, ensuring devices are upgraded or replaced every 3-5 years based on performance evaluations and emerging tech trends.

Email and calendars

  • Advanced Usage: Utilise advanced features such as shared mailboxes, email aliases, and distribution lists to enhance communication efficiency.

File sharing

  • User Satisfaction and Access Control: Achieve high user satisfaction with file-sharing systems that are secure and user-friendly. Ensure access permissions are meticulously managed to facilitate easy access to necessary files while securing sensitive information.
  • Scalability: Systems should be capable of evolving with the organisation's needs, supporting increased demands or changes in operational structure.
    Staff and managers are highly satisfied with our file sharing services

Network infrastructure

  • Robust Connectivity and Security: Provide high-speed, reliable internet access at all locations, with visitor networks segregated for security and performance.
  • Device Management: Implement remote monitoring and management of all network devices, with budget provisions for regular updates and upgrades.

Servers and Cloud Services

  • Cloud-Based Flexibility: Utilise reliable cloud-hosted servers that can be scaled according to organisational needs with excellent SLA levels (i.e. 99.99% uptime).
  • Unified Authentication: Employ a unified authentication system that simplifies access for your staff while maintaining high security, possibly incorporating single sign-on (SSO) capabilities.


  • Cloud-Based Systems: Ensure that telephony and videoconferencing systems are cloud-based to support remote and hybrid work models effectively.
  • Integration and Scalability: Systems should be fully integrated with calendaring and other communication tools, ready to support future technological integrations and user needs.

Group collaboration

  • Effective Collaboration Tools: Leverage group collaboration platforms (e.g., Microsoft Teams, Google Workspace) to their fullest potential, facilitating seamless communication and collaboration with internal and external stakeholders.
  • User Comfort and Training: Regular training sessions should be conducted to ensure all staff are comfortable and proficient in using these technologies.

Continuous Feedback and Improvement

  • IT Satisfaction Surveys: Conduct annual IT satisfaction surveys to gather feedback on user satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and understand the impact of technology on staff productivity.
  • Focus Groups: Organise focus groups to delve deeper into specific issues or opportunities, gathering detailed insights to inform strategic decisions.

Achieving advanced tech foundations equips not-for-profits with a robust technological environment that minimises time spent on non-value-adding activities and maximises efficiency and effectiveness. This strategic approach not only meets current operational needs but also sets the stage for future growth and success, ensuring the organisation remains agile and responsive to changes in the technological landscape.

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