Maintaining advanced tech foundations

Technology systems and platforms are constantly evolving, and so should your organisation - here's some advice on how.
Maintaining advanced level tech foundations

To maintain advanced-level tech foundations, attention needs to be paid to staff training, new features and organisational changes, so that your use of the platform continues to meet the needs of the organisation, described below.


With an average turnover of almost 20%, one in every five non-profit staff are new in the organisation each year, meaning the training you provide to new starters is critical to helping them understand and make the most of your systems and develop the skills to use technology effectively in their roles.

New features

Cloud-based productivity apps like Microsoft Office 365 and Google Workspace are constantly evolving and bringing out new releases and features. Microsoft recently had more than 500 features in development and was busy deploying another 200. Maintaining advanced level tech foundations involves means keeping abreast of these changes, deploying useful features across your organisation and making sure your staff are comfortable in using them.

Organisational evolution

As your organisation evolves, expands, changes structure, and adds new services (or stops offering old ones), it’s all too common for intranet and file structures to become obsolete. Keeping your technology platforms aligned with your organisational and team structure is a task that’s all too often in a state of constant postponement. Maintaining advanced tech foundations requires alignment with today’s organisation structure and requirements – if you haven’t looked at this recently, it is no doubt time to review your information architecture and team features. 

If you have achieved advanced tech foundations capability, we'd love to hear from you to help inspire other not-for-profits to undertake a journey like yours – just reach out using the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page. 

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