Data webinars for a basic data capability level

Steps to embark on a data maturity journey.
basic data capability tools

Data is a powerful tool to help not-for-profits accelerate impact. It enables us to have visibility over our work and insights and provides opportunity to make data-driven strategic plans and outcomes, and can support predictive analytics like AI.  

To take advantage of this, it is critical that organisations have built a strong framework and foundation in order to utilise data. This includes having an understanding of how data is being captured, stored and managed, and an organisational-wide plan for embarking on a data maturity journey.  

Over the next few months, we’ll be updating this page with webinars to support your data capability level to help you and your organisation improve your data skills and make a bigger difference for the causes you support.   


Start here: Data basics to mastery, getting started 

data basics for not for profits NFPs

Not-for-profits can greatly benefit from using powerful tools like artificial intelligence. But without sufficient data frameworks, practices and infrastructure, these tools won’t work. Having the fundamentals is key.  

So where do you even begin?  

Learn how to assess your organisation’s data capabilities, understand the critical foundational elements of having AI-ready data, and learn where to go to access resources curated by data experts in the not-for-profit sector.  

This webinar is intended to help you get clear on the steps involved in beginning a data maturity journey. We provide handy links to resources including governance tools, population data resources, research resources, data maturity tools, data sharing agreement guides and more.  

This course is designed to teach participants:

  • Assess your organisation’s data capabilities
  • Understand the critical foundational elements of having AI-ready data
  • Resources curated by data experts in the not-for-profit sector

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Getting started with data: Fundamentals, strategies and setting up quick wins

Getting started with data NFPs

Not-for-profits who are starting their data journey can find it hard to know where to begin. This webinar takes you through the fundamentals of what data you need to showcase your organisation’s purpose and achievements. Using case studies and sharing useful frameworks and resources, the webinar covers the value of strategy setting, how to set up data projects that will give you quick wins, and identifying data sources, skills and tools you will need.

This webinar is part of the Getting Started with Data series designed for not-for-profit organisations who want to learn more about data. This webinar follows on from the Data basics to mastery webinar found here

This course is designed to teach participants:

  • What is a data strategy and how does it fit with your organisation purpose?
  • Covering the core elements of a data strategy
  • How to assess your organisation’s data strengths and growth areas
  • Communicating with staff and management

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Six data collection essentials with Google Sheets and Forms 

six data collection essentials with Google Sheets and Forms

Join Pablo as he helps you learn how to acquire vital data collection skills that will transform your understanding of data collection. 

This webinar will introduce you to the basics of Google Sheets and Google Forms. These powerful data collection tools will assist you in organising your data, asking questions to your community, and interpreting results. 

This webinar covers topics including: 

  • Navigation and management of Google Sheets 

  • Editing and collaboration in Google Sheets 

  • Question creation, setup, and distribution using Google Forms 

  • Response management techniques with Google Forms 

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Theory of change to articulate your outcomes and impact 

theory of change nonprofits

Join Pablo again as he teaches you how to articulate the issues you're addressing through storytelling. Break down the process to identify elements that will aid teams in achieving social goals. 

This webinar is action-oriented. Define outcomes, inputs, activities, and outputs using theory and storytelling and craft change narratives, which is essential for achieving goals. This knowledge is invaluable whether building a strategy, preparing a grant, or refining your not-for-profit's goals.

This course is designed to teach participants:

  • Theory of change
  • Outcomes Vs Outputs
  • Issue framing
  • Change narrative

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