Achieving advanced capability in Not-for-Profits applications

Check out the benchmarks for achieving advanced-level capability for your organisation's information systems.
Achieving advanced level applications capability

For not-for-profits (NFPs), developing advanced applications capability is crucial for efficient and impactful service delivery. This guide outlines the benchmarks for achieving advanced capabilities across various critical systems, including service delivery, project management, financial, and human resources management.

Benchmarks for advanced applications capability
Service delivery systems

  • Intuitive and flexible systems: Ensure your service delivery systems are intuitive for users and flexible enough to adapt to future needs. This includes the ability to handle varying demands and integrate with new technologies as they emerge.
  • Accessibility: Members and clients should be able to access necessary information online seamlessly, ensuring that all interactions are user-friendly and supportive of their needs.
  • Comprehensive data capture: Systems must capture detailed information on client interactions and service provision, enabling a deeper understanding of impact and areas for improvement.
  • Online services: Develop capabilities to deliver major programs and services online, enhancing accessibility and convenience for clients and staff.
  • User satisfaction: Achieve high levels of satisfaction among users with the online services provided, evidenced by positive feedback and usage metrics.
  • Expansion plans: Have strategies in place to expand the proportion of services delivered online, reflecting a commitment to digital transformation.
  • Seamless data integration and movement: Ensure that data captured across different systems flows smoothly between service delivery platforms, client databases, and reporting tools. This enables a more holistic view of client interactions, enhances service provision, and supports data-driven decision-making for improved client outcomes and reporting accuracy.

Human resources information systems (HRIS)

  • System satisfaction: Staff and managers should express high satisfaction with the HR systems in place, which support essential HR functions including recruitment, onboarding, payroll, wellbeing, success management, rewards & recognition, performance management, and learning management.
  • Adaptive processes: HR processes and systems should be capable of evolving easily to meet future organisational needs and changes in workforce management practices.

Finance systems

  • Future-ready systems: Employ a finance system that effectively meets current needs and is capable of adapting to future changes in the sector.
  • Efficiency through automation: Maximise efficiency through automated workflows that reduce manual effort and streamline financial processes.
  • Enhanced financial reporting: Utilise sophisticated management reporting tools that enable effective financial management, forecasting, and decision-making across the organisation.
  • Integration for financial clarity: Integrate finance systems with other organisational platforms to facilitate seamless data movement, improving accuracy in financial reporting and enabling real-time insights into financial performance and resource allocation.

Achieving advanced applications capability enables not-for-profits to operate more effectively and deliver higher quality services to their clients. As technology evolves, so should the systems used by NFPs to ensure they remain responsive to the needs of their stakeholders and continue to meet their mission effectively

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